Port type FederatedSearchPort
1. GetSearchResults
Request the
results of a previous query issued.
SOAP action:
■ Results [MpegQueryType]
Allows to request the results of a previous query issued.
■ Query[Choice]
■ FetchResult
◦ queryID [anyURI]
◦ retrievePageNum [positiveInteger]
◦ mpqfID required; [anyURI]
■ ResultItem optional, unbounded; [MpegQueryType]
Describes a single result returned from a responder.
■ Query[Choice]
■ Output [OutputQueryType]
■ GlobalComment optional; [string]
■ ResultItem optional, unbounded; [ResultItemType]
■ SystemMessage optional; [SystemMessageType][Choice]
■ Status unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
■ Warning unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
■ Exception unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
◦ currPage [positiveInteger]
◦ totalPages [positiveInteger]
◦ expirationDate optional; [dateTime]
◦ mpqfID required; [anyURI]
2. GetServiceCapabilities
Returns the capabilities of the federated search service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
SOAP action:
■ Capabilities [Capabilities]
3. GetServiceFeatures
Returns the capabilities of the service matching any given capability.
SOAP action:
■ InputCapabilities [MpegQueryType]
Contains descriptions of desired services capabilities and may contain the ID for a particular service to be
■ Query[Choice]
■ Management[Choice]
■ Input [InputManagementType]
■ DesiredCapability optional; [CapabilityType]
Elements used are as defined in ISO/IEC 1593812
■ SupportedQFProfile optional; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType] ... is recursive
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
■ SupportedMetadata optional, unbounded; [anyURI]
■ SupportedExampleMediaTypes optional;
■ SupportedResultMediaTypes optional;
■ SupportedQueryTypes optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType] ... is recursive
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
■ SupportedExpressions optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType]
■ Name optional; [string]
■ Description optional; [string]
■ Term optional, unbounded; [TermType] ... is recursive
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
◦ href required; [SimpleTermType]
■ ServiceID optional, unbounded; [anyURI]
◦ mpqfID required; [anyURI]
■ OutputCapabilities [MpegQueryType]
Contains a list of available service capability descriptions or a system message in case of an error. If no
service is available or matches the given capabilities, then an empty Output element is returned.
■ Query[Choice]
■ Management[Choice]
■ Output [OutputManagementType]
■ AvailableCapability optional, unbounded; [AvailableCapabilityType]
■ SystemMessage optional; [SystemMessageType][Choice]
■ Status unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
■ Warning unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
■ Exception unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
◦ mpqfID required; [anyURI]
4. RegisterDatabase
Allows capability descriptions to be set.
SOAP action:
■ DatabaseFeaturesSupported unbounded; [RegisterDatabase]
Describes a predefined set of features supported by the database registered.
5. Search
Issuing a query including conditions and requested output structuring.
SOAP action:
■ InputQuery [MpegQueryType]
Container for describing a query request containing a set of conditions and/or the specification of the
structure and content of the output query format and a declaration part.
■ Query[Choice]
■ Input [InputQueryType]
■ QFDeclaration optional; [QFDeclarationType]
■ DeclaredField optional, unbounded; [DeclaredFieldType]
■ Resource optional, unbounded; [ResourceType]
◦ resourceID required; [ID]
■ OutputDescription optional; [OutputDescriptionType]
■ ReqField optional, unbounded; [FieldType]
■ ReqAggregateID optional, unbounded; [IDREF]
■ GroupBy optional;
■ GroupByField unbounded; [FieldType]
■ Aggregate optional, unbounded; [AggregateExpressionType]
■ SortBy optional, unbounded; [AbstractSortByType]
◦ order required; enum { 'ascending', 'descending' }
◦ maxPageEntries optional; [positiveInteger]
◦ maxItemCount optional;[positiveInteger]
◦ freeTextUse optional; [boolean]
◦ thumbnailUse optional; [boolean]
◦ mediaResourceUse optional; [boolean]
◦ outputNameSpace optional; [anyURI]
◦ distinct optional; [boolean]
■ QueryCondition optional; [QueryConditionType]
■ EvaluationPath optional; [xPathType]
■ TargetMediaType optional, unbounded; [mimeType]
■ Join [JoinType]
■ From
■ EvaluationPath optional; [xPathType]
■ TargetMediaType optional, unbounded; [mimeType]
■ Condition [BooleanExpressionType]
■ preferenceValue optional; [zeroToOneType]
■ thresholdValue optional; [zeroToOneType]
■ id required; [ID]
■ JoinCondition [BooleanExpressionType]
■ preferenceValue optional; [zeroToOneType]
■ thresholdValue optional; [zeroToOneType]
■ Condition [BooleanExpressionType]
■ preferenceValue optional; [zeroToOneType]
■ thresholdValue optional; [zeroToOneType]
■ ServiceSelection optional; [ServiceSelectionType]
■ ServiceID unbounded; [anyURI]
◦ previousAnswerID optional; [anyURI]
◦ immediateResponse optional; [boolean]
◦ timeout optional; [duration]
◦ mpqfID required; [anyURI]
■ OutputQuery [MpegQueryType]
Container for all the results from a responder to a requester. It may contain in addition messages such as
error and exception.
■ Query[Choice]
■ Output [OutputQueryType]
■ GlobalComment optional; [string]
■ ResultItem optional, unbounded; [ResultItemType]
■ SystemMessage optional; [SystemMessageType][Choice]
■ Status unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
■ Warning unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
■ Exception unbounded; [InformationType]
■ Code [positiveInteger]
■ Description [string]
◦ currPage [positiveInteger]
◦ totalPages [positiveInteger]
◦ expirationDate optional; [dateTime]
◦ mpqfID required; [anyURI]
This informative document is based on the ONVIF Core Specification - Copyright ONVIF.